Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the Broke and the Bookish :3
It’s been a really long while since I participated in this meme, but lately I’ve just been unable to push out any worthwhile post, and today’s prompt is a really great one! Simple, but meaningful, because sometimes, when we get swamped by our obligations, some with their mile high TBR pile, the drama, the broke-ness, it’s good to remind ourselves why we love what we do in the first place, and I’m not talking about blogging. It all comes down to one very basic thing:
We love books
So, on with this impromptu list!
1) Hardcovers
There’s something so… inherently bookish about having at least a few hardcovers lying around. They’re expensive to produce, and thus expensive to adquire, but don’t you love its weight, the fact that you can remove the dust jacket and sometimes find an equally beautiful book inside?
2) Walking into bookstores
Some people go because they don’t have anything better to do, others because they want to buy a gift, or it’s something for school, or they’re going to buy the latest best-seller. But us? We go because we just can’t stay away. We want to see what’s new, we want to buy ALL the books, and if we could, we would even work there!
3) The feeling of buying books and giving them a home in your shelf
Even if it’s just one book, whenever I get a physical copy, the moment I give it a place in my shelf, is something pretty important, mind you. It’s part of the gang now!
4) Meeting people who have loved the same books I have!
The love is real <3
5) When books give you an excuse to not to talk to people
If you’re a most of the time happy introvert like me, I’m sure you’ll have noticed how useful books are when you’re not in the mood for socializing. Obviously, sometimes this won’t deter people from asking, “What are you reading?”, here, this can go two ways.
- This is the start of somethin new, a marvelous friendship based on discussing the book I’m reading, or,
- You get the “A book” answer.
6)When a book mentions a situation that you can totally relate to
Not only contemporaries, but in almost every genre, it’s possible for the author to show real life situations we can relate to. When we read that, it doesn’t feel like fiction, it feels like you’re there, like you could be that person, and if that’s possible, then maybe you can go to befriend dragons too! This also applies to people; their race, religion or nationality. This is why a diverse representation of our world is necessary, not only to show other people what it’s like, but also for ourselves, because we want to see ourselves there, and understand our lives better.
7) Laughing out loud in a public place while reading
*sigh* There’re few bookish moments that are geekier, weirdier, or funnier, than when you laugh because of a book and the people around you give you looks.
8) Finding THE book
When you dive into a book and you discover that it’s your soulmate.
9) Getting torn apart by a book
Sounds painful, right? Well, it is! Yes, thanks very much All the Bright Places, and Lumatere Chronicles.
10) When you don’t have to wait 1+ year for the sequel of a book you ADORED
Some authors are merciful and work their magic with the other big important people to bring us the books as soon as possible. And that’s so freaking awesome!
I love hardcovers. They just feel great to hold- I don’t know. It’s a weird but amazing feeling. YESSSSSS to meeting people who love the same books! Laughing out loud in public while reading…yup, that’s happened before. Multiple times. 😛 Great post!
Great list!
JJ recently posted this awesome thing…Top Ten Tuesday #54
Good list! I enjoy many of the same things you do too!
Happy reading!!
Lisa @ Captivated Reader recently posted this awesome thing…Top Ten Tuesday — Top Ten Bookworm Delights
This is such a great list! OH, there’s nothing like the feeling you get when you find THE book, when you’re slowly falling in love with it. I just love it so much. And BOOKSHOPS! I could spend hours, DAYS even, in these places. It feels so peaceful and makes me really happy, as well 🙂
Marie @ Drizzle & Hurricane Books recently posted this awesome thing…Top Ten Tuesday (54) : Top Ten Bookworm Delights
Thanks! Right now, all the Lumatere Chronicles books are THE book! You already read Cinder, right? You MUST continue with Scarlet because the awesome only gets awesomer!