I haven’t done a Wrap-Up post in forever! As with most of the things I don’t do, it’s due to my laziness.
What I’ve been up to
Obviously, to no good. Cue evil face. Since the beginning of the year, I’ve been plotting to take over the world. It’s a long-term plan so don’t worry yet.
In other news, which are not shocking at all, I hate college with a passion that is almost equal to how much this dog must hate life.
Poor doggy. I feel you bud.
Fortunately, I’ve been on break since mid-march, but the torture begins again in may, so, I’m just kinda trying to enjoy it.
On the Blog
You might have noticed I’ve tweaked the design a bit. Well, yes, because it can’t be helped, I always give in. I love changing stuff. In another life, where I didn’t suffer due to my writing, I may have pursued a designer life and go crazy with fonts, graphics and all that jazz. But in this life, I pine for all the pretty things, one at a time.
I’ve read a ton of books, but because as it’s been already mentioned, I’m a lazy potato I’ve only reviewed a few:
- These Vicious Masks by Tarun Shanker, Kelly Zekas ★★★★½
- Every Last Word by Tamara Ireland Stone ★★★★★
On Blogging
Here’s I’d like to do a happy dance because the post about reviewing each book I read is the one that has gotten the most comments, ever. I don’t even know why. I was shocked when the comments kept appearing and it was funny because of course I hadn’t expected so many. I know that for some blogs those numbers are actually their normal. It’s like, ‘I got 30 comments. Coolio’. And some day, maybe I’ll get there, but until then, I’ll just keep, you know, dancing happily.
In fact, I wanted to make this parenthesis to thank Geraldine, Cynthia, and Daniella so much because they’ve turned out to be some of top commenters lately and your imput always makes me happy :3
On Writing
Yes! I’m working on a new WIP, and sadly, it doesn’t have dragons. Thought it should.
Some books I’d really, really like to read. As in, I’d even get up and do exercise for them.
I legit made a list because I need them that bad.
- Rebel of the Sands, by Alwyn Hamilton
- The Great Hunt, by Wendy Higgins
- Crooked Kingdom, by Leigh Bardugo
- Soldier, by Julie Kagawa
- Gemina, by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff
- A Study in Charlotte, by Brittany Cavallaro
- The Love that Split the World, by Emily Henry
- And, the Crown’s Game, by Evelyn Skye
Some cool posts from really cool people
- Daniela Ark is hosting an amazing feature that’s all about WIPs.
- Geraldine discusses diverse books and the kind she reads the most about.
- The force is still strong with the Discussion Challenge, and here’s the link to the april link up.
- Meg, Kat and Steph might have forgotten about their blogoversary, but hey, they’re doing three different giveaways and there’s still time to enter!
- Joséphine shares 28 post ideas for bookstagram.
Bookstagram Shenanigans
And speaking of Bookstagram, I decided to step up my game there. It used to be a very sad place, since I was experimenting with everything I had. I took some really nice pics, but then kind of lost my inspiration, and now it’s back again! Today I went crazy with white background and took a bunch with different themes, which shall be revealed in the following days. I’m really excited about it!
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I absolutely love this post! I first saw the dog and was like OMG YOU GOT A DOG but then I saw the caption and was like…nevermind…*awkwardly shies away* I am definitely checking out some of the posts you linked to- THEY SOUND AMAZING. I really liked Rebel of the Sands. I LOVED A Study in Charlotte! I can’t wait to read Crooked Kingdom also!
Nori recently posted this awesome thing…Happy Birthday To Me + Giveaway!
Hahaha I wish! But I’m allergic 🙁 But if I could keep a dog, that’d be exactly the kind I’d love to have! Siberian huskies are just so cute!
Yes! I’ve heard so many good things about Rebel of the Sands and A Study in Charlotte, I’m a huge Sherlock fan (hoorray Benedict Cumberbatch!) .
Thanks for dropping by! 🙂
Awww thanks! Your posts are lovely… I can’t resist. Also, your site is so prettyyyyyyy <3
No dragons? *pouts* *sends a few dozen to keep you company* *hopes that they don't burn up all the books and sends a few dozen books over to compensate*
And I desperately want to read those books too though I've never heard of The Great Hunt. *flails casually* *tears* *hides in library*
Cynthia recently posted this awesome thing…The walk home from the library, sans pollen allergies
Thanks so much! I first knew about The Great Hunt because of the cover going around in twitter, and actually, I haven’t gotten around to looking for the synopsis yet, because the tagline on the cover was what drew me in completely. ‘Kill the beast, win the girl.’ It sounds like there’s much more to it than just that and :O