Apparently, I’m incapable of saying this aloud, like I want to, at least. If I did, I’d probably make a lot of my almost friends upset.
And I’d like to say I’m the kind of person who doesn’t give two craps about what they think. But I’m not that interested in being that person, so, I’m content to do a post about this. It makes me very happy, actually.
We introverts are a complicated bunch, just as extroverts are, but we can also be fun and awesome like them. So all I ask is an effort. An effort to understand how our mind work different than theirs. I’d like to think we respect that difference, but more often than not, extroverts don’t do the same.
This is part rant, part an informative post. I will rant about how it is like to be an introvert, and it’ll very informative.
Don’t get me wrong, most of the time, I feel pretty confortable with how I am. It’s such an important part of my identity. I just have some issues with:
Being Asked to Parties
I like how a friend once put being an introvert. We have a small bubble surrounding each of us, and we’re very touchy about people breaking in a la brute force. If people insist on something we clearly aren’t feeling up to, like any sane person, we’ll get angry. We probably won’t show it, but it’ll be there. Sometimes, a polite invitation and genuine interest in us being at some place does the trick better than repeatedly mentioning the so called party.
Being Asked What We’re Reading
This one is just mildly annoying. I mean, what am I supposed to say? Should I just say the title? I don’t see to what end since I’m 98% postive they haven’t heard of it before, nor they really care. (I’m not trying to be a jerk, I just feel that when someone who doesn’t read asks me this, it’s a really pointless conversation there.)
At Parties
We’re not complete recluses! We enjoy partying too! But it’s kind of minefield for us. As with everything, sometimes we need a little push, but things like dancing, (except if it’s one of the lucky ones who loves and looks good dancing) aren’t normally confortable for us.
For me, it’s actually the dancing that discourages me from going to parties. I avoid it as much as I can 😉 I love dancing! But I highly doubt my Just Dance moves are going to work at a college party.
In Class
Haha. All the time.
Jee Ann says
Nice, fellow introvert! I hate it, too, when people insist on me joining a group, and saying how much more exciting it is to be with a lot of people, right? Wrong. It just depends. Sometimes, I like being in a group, but then I’ll need the next few days to recuperate and be on my own.
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Olivia Roach says
Ahaha being a fellow introvert, I have a lot of these feels! Especially the class one. Like, all the time. I know the answer sometimes and I never say it just because it MAY be wrong, and if it is and I have said that aloud I am going to feel so humiliated >< Anyway, I also pick my parties to go to extremely carefully, but nowadays I mostly end up enjoying them, as long as the right people are there with me. Oh, and I am always up for talking about books. But I never know how much to say, and I generally don't want to bore people. It's so hard to find a good balance DD:
Olivia Roach recently posted this awesome thing…Alabama Stories (Review & Giveaway!)