During my life, I’ve loved all kinds of songs, gone through the usual I love it and I hear it ALL THE TIME, to the crap, I’m so sick of this stuff phase, where you can’t stand the stupid song anymore. I’ve loved different songs from different artists, but I’d never been the kind to stick to only one. I could never say I had a favorite singer/band because usually, I liked one or two songs from someone, but not any other.
And then these guys showed up.
If you don’t know who Imagine Dragons is then look it up!
What you absolutely need to know
- They’re AMAZING
- Wayne’s hair is <3
Alright, that was so informative, wasn’t it?
Okay, okay, so it all happened back in 2012, when I hung out a lot in Fanfiction.net on a Percy Jackson roleplay forum. There was a thread dedicated to OOC (Out of character) chat and someone mentioned a song called Demons, by Imagine Dragons. Maybe it was a completely random decision not based at all on the fact that there were DRAGONS involved somehow, but I was hooked.
Imagine Dragons is my favorite I-listen-to-all-their-songs-and-they-speak-to-me-like-no-other band, and here are some songs that had a really big impact on my life.
I first heard Tiptoe in 2014 when they sang it for the VMAs. I liked the beat, but since then, I all but breathe those lyrics. It’s about being underestimated, people not realizing your potential and how special you really are. But to take it easy, chill, and just keep being awesome and doing your thing, because if you do that, slowly tiptoeing higher, you’ll eventually get there.
I find that really inspiring considering how our culture would have us believe we’re just ordinary potatoes that can’t do shit. Or that some shit is more special than others.
Okay this got weird XD
If you know who they are, you must’ve seen this coming. The song is their jam, their personal stamp. But with good reason! I didn’t try to find some deeper meaning in it when I heard it. Tiptoe was easy. I just listened, and what I described was what I heard. With Radioactive, the rhythm was everything. Just the melody moved me. And it was when I knew. This was what music was supposed to be like. It’s supposed to give you chills, make you feel something.
If you play the video, listen to the drums part 😉 THE CHILLS, PEOPLE, THE CHILLS. 3:04
Hear Me
For the longest time, I was really down because my love life sucked. Haha. I still think about it from time to time, but now it doesn’t hurt as much, because my happiness is defined by other things. Like food. And Netflix. And books.
But if romantic pain isn’t your thing, all kinds of emotional pain apply here, actually. I think most of us just automatically keep the pain to ourselves, or any kind of negative feeling, for that matter. It’s just something we do, but we also silently reach out to people to help us, without actually saying ‘Hey, bud, I’m miserable, help‘. This song speaks to that part of me.
Honorable mentions
This one has helped so much with the Dragon WIP. My girl is afraid of herself and what she can do, she’s afraid of being evil, and not being able to control it.
It’s time
The video would have you think it’s a super weird dark song, but it’s actually one of the most cheery and fun! Ha ha, it always has me humming along or when I’m away from humans and I’m driving, even singing at the top of my lungs!
Present time!
Have your go at any of these completely free iPhone wallpapers, courtesy of this Imagine Dragons fan!
1)It’s Time
3) Radioactive
Imagine Dragons has such amazing songs! My favorite is It’s Time. It gives me goosebumps, especially when the chorus starts, “It’s time to begin, isn’t it…” It gave me inspiration and courage during the lowest moments of my life.
My favorite songs are Radioactive, Tiptoe, Demons, and On Top of the World. Their lyrics are full of meaning and the rhythm is amazing, specially the one from Radioactive.
There’s also this band called The Offspring, and their song “You’re Gonna Go Far Kid” is one of my favorites. I think you might like it 🙂
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Salha recently posted this awesome thing…Monasterio de Piedra 2016 | Photojournal – Part 1
I’ll check out the band! And thanks for tagging me! <3
I really love Imagine Dragons too! My favorite songs have to be It’s Time, Demons, On Top of the World, and Warrior. All of their songs are so powerful for me and catchy too! I love the message in Warrior. It’s all about dreaming and making those dreams a reality instead of watching life go by. On Top of the World always manages to cheer me up and get me ready for the day.
I am also a huge fan of American Authors. Besides Imagine Dragons, they are the only other auto-buy band for me. They are also one of the only bands I have seen in concert! You should definitely check them out.
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From American Authors, I’m ashamed to admit I only listen to Best Day of my Life. I discovered it because the rhythm reminded me of It’s Time the first time I heard it. XD
I LOVE Imagine Dragons! The band is not that popular in my area, so it’s nice to finally see someone appreciates their beautiful lyrics! My favorite is It’s Time 🙂
*squeals* It’s picking up here in my country. I KNOW RIGHT?! It’s Time is so uplifting!
I never knew you were an Imagine Dragons fan! Their songs are honestly so good – the beats are on point, and it’s just a pleasure to listen to their songs! I never really listen to the lyrics though…definitely will do next time! Plus, Tiptoe sounds like my kind of song – I’ll have to listen to that! I usually listen to their more mainstream songs *hides away in a corner*
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Haha, I guess it must be because I listen to them a lot while driving when I get sick of radio. I seem to always bounce between radio-Ed Sheeran-Imagine Dragons. So it’s hard not to learn the lyrics XD And I get in my philosophical mood. I definitely recommend the Tiptoe and Monster lyrics!