While April was my moving forward month, May might be my all-the-projects month. I’m still in a productive set of mind but there’s so many things to do! And most of them are things that I want to do. The problem is, omg, there’s never enough time!
Yay! I was able to finish the Illuminae Files series this month. I reread the first two books before getting into Obsidio. Rereading Gemina gave me the chance to finally review it. Now the three reviews are up if you want to check them out!
For my thesis I’ll be researching Instagram engagement in the fashion sector in my city, which should be interesting. The good thing is that I’m doing it with a friend, so we can divide responsibilities. The downside is that I’ve been feeling so exhausted lately. I need to take naps. I’d never taken naps before, since I don’t really like sleeping during the day but now I get so sleepy that it’s gotten to a point where I need them.
Now, I’m envious of all of you guys who get to have the summer season, lol. My semester started at the beginning of may and ends in september. The good thing obviously, is that it’ll be my last semester ever. I’m seriously so through with university, the end can’t get soon enough.
I wish I could be more focused in my business but I’m also quite happy with how things have been going so far. I’ve been getting more involved with the writing community in my country and met some awesome young writers! Above everything, I love having like-minded people to talk to, but I understand that from a business point of view, it isn’t bad at all either.
We had our first author meeting earlier this month and it was great learning about their books and projects. Since then, we’ve gone on to colaborate on a giveaway of 7 books to promote young ecuadorian talent.
I’ve been talking to the owners of the bookstore and they’re so nice and supportive and have agreed to host another writing workshop with me!
Okay so, I’m definitely still a lazy potato, or perhaps a busy one. But, I feel like I’ve been making more progress with my WIP lately. There are still so many things to iron out. I know where I’m going with this but the little details sometimes overwhelm me. I try to keep in mind that the most important thing is to keep charging forward and worry about those details later.
I also have considered publishing something on Wattpad. Not my current WIP, but something else, shorter. I have an idea I’ve been toying with, but I feel that if I focus on that, I’ll leave aside the big project and I don’t want that either, because I’ve been postponing it and drawing it out for long enough.
The Community
I really liked Cristina’s post about kindness, where she adresses author bashing, in particular about people getting mad about authors releasing several books in the same universe.
Have you been worried about how GDPR affects book bloggers? Ashley shares some tips and comments about the consequences for us and where to start with the changes.
Fadwa shares a post in collaboration with Kav, an indian booktuber about the erasure of India from media and misrepresentation. The battle for diversity might be won, but not the one for inclusion. We’re still a long way from getting accurate representation of the diverse people in this world in a positive way, and Kav shares their experience in this post.
And last but not least, don’t forget to check out Marie’s tips for getting inspiration when your brain is dry and it becomes hard to think about blog post ideas, or just ideas in general.
Thank you so much for the shout out in this post- I’m glad you enjoyed my post and hopefully more readers and bloggers can take a kinder approach to their interactions and conversations about authors!
This is such a lovely post! The topic for your thesis sounds so interesting, and I hope you have fun writing it! 🙂 And good luck with your WIP & figuring out whether or not you want to post a shorter story on Wattpad (if you haven’t yet)! <3
Also, your blog is absolutely gorgeous, and I'm kind of in awe right now. <3
I appreciate it! I do like my topic and the possibilities make me excited to do the research <3 As for the wattpad internal debate, I'm guessing I will do it at some point, but right now with the thesis stuff, it might not be a good time.
Thanks for your kind words <3 And for stopping by and taking the time to read!
Me parece excelente que hayas conseguido un grupo de jóvenes escritores ecuatorianos con quien compartir! Yo quisiera conseguir un grupo aquí en los EEUU también de ESL escritores escribiendo en ingles mucha suerte!
Fui muy afortunada de conocerlos! Te deseo mucha suerte encontrando a personas con las cuales compartir allá! Tengo una pregunta, eres de allá y aprendiste a hablar español o vienes de algún país hispanohablante? XD Tengo curiosidad.
Wow, your thesis sounds really interesting! 🙂
I’m glad you’ve been enjoying getting involved with the writing community, and that your WIP is going well. I’ve thought of posting something on Wattpad too before, but always get so nervous about people reading my work (which is something I seriously need to get over, if I ever want to be a published writer!)!
Have a great June! 🙂
Your thesis sounds SO interesting – it’s a great topic to work on! I hope that you will manage to take some rest and take care of yourself, Pam, even with all the work, take naps and everythin, they’re needed at times <3
I'm glad to hear about your writing workshops and authors meeting, that sounds fantastic and it's so great that you are moving forward, so proud of all the projects you're doing and how you're putting yourself out there <3
I hope that June will be great for you <3 <3
Yeah, it seems this weekend I’ve gotten my much desired rest, so thanks for your wishes! It is exhausting and scary but I also like it so it’s weird but I like doing bookish stuff off screen too. I hope you have an awesome june as well!