2017 has been a tough year. I don’t think it’s going to get any easier next year, but still, I can’t say it’s personally been all bad. A lot of us can be highly empathic and bad things tend to get us down. It just feels weird and wrong to be happy when so many awful things have happened, are happening, and will probably just get worse.
But we have to, you know.
For this sort of recap, I’ll try to focus on very non-negative things? The things that have made me happy, were interesting, or just plain made me feel good during this year. It doesn’t mean it’s been all good -It makes me feel so inadequate when I read about others’ success stories. So this is a disclaimer that my life is actually pretty messy 😉
It’s been a slow year, I can admit that. But there have been a few changes that made me happy.
- I started using my new name -Reverie Society, and finally got the blog name and blog URL to match
- I changed my design SO MANY times and finally found something and cool with for now -a mix between cute and professional (I hope)
- A more recent one: I began incorporating posts in spanish. I debated this for the looongest time. What if people start unfollowing me? My english-speaking peeps for adding spanish into the mix? It was a huge risk. And I’ve only written two blog posts in spanish so far. They’ve gotten an amazing response in Pinterest, more than any of my other posts in the three years I’ve been blogging. I hope I can continue to this. It’s not something I’ve seen around, having posts in spanish and english, but having the option to translate the whole blog into either of these two languages. I hope I can pull it off.
The thing is, every business advice ever says you shouldn’t try to get to the whole market. Translated: You want to address two different languages? Make. Another. Blog. But, I don’t want to. This feels like me. I’m bilingual, I don’t want to keep those two sides separate (even though theory says I should, for marketing’s sake). Translating the site might be an option in the future though. We’ll see. For now, I want to see where this goes.
- Not many reviews, which I’m working on. I want to get back into the reviewing groove. But I’m happy about having gotten accepted to review two special books. Unearthed, by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner; and Ash Princess, by Laura Sebastian. Ash Princess was a surprise because for the first time, I requested a book by sending the publisher an email, and they accepted! It made my day when I got a reply!
Okay, let’s just say it’s been a slow year in general, lol. There are positives here too, though.
- I had some major breakthroughs with my novel. For example, I figured out the name. Stories We Tell, Beasts We Awaken.
- I made an outline, it was cool. I’m working on redoing it, and now it’s kind of awesome.
- I won’t even talk about my Nanowrimo, because I failed and can’t even be sorry about it because college made it impossible to write. But…
- The FB group I started for the nanos in my region is thriving and some peeps reached their goals, and I’m very happy for them!
So I don’t really have a business because I’m not selling anything yet, but that’s the idea for 2018. I’m working on an online writing course for writers from my country, or any spanish-speaking country. Yes, that’s the secret reason why Reverie Society is bilingual now 🙂 I want to give my future clients a space here because this is my brand, this is me. Again, I do hope I can reduce the confusion by eventually making it available for translation.
- I finally got the guts to get to work on this idea that had been floating around my head for two years!
- I created a free email course called ‘Novel Starter’, and *gasp* 10 lucky people have received it so far and *double gasp* didn’t tell me it was crap or unsuscribed.
- I led a writing workshop at an independent bookstore and the attendees actually participated and liked what I had to say! -Ok so this was a free workshop and part of my NaNoWriMo duties as Municipal Liaison, but I add it here since this let me know people are interested in what I want to teach and that made me very excited!
- I’ve been entertaining myself creating my course’s sales page and it looks fab
- I have been following relevant people in my niche in social media and some have followed me back. I look forward to working together with them (indie coffee shops, coworking spaces, cultural spaces, bookshops…)
Reading – The End of the year book tag!
1. Are there any books you started this year you need to finish?
This book haunts me. I started it like three times and I just couldn’t get into it. However I just know that I could love it if only I could read it when I’m in the right mood. So I won’t give up. I’ll try again in 2018!
2. Do you have an autumnal book to transition to the end of the year?
I’m currently progressing with Wintersong, so I would say that’s my transition book!
3. Is there a new release you’re still waiting for?
- Obsidio, by Amie Kaufman/Jay Kristoff
- The Muse of Nightmares by Laini Taylor
Both are my top most awaited books!
4. What are three books you want to read before the end of the year?
OMG I doubt I can cram three books before the year ends, but I think I’d like to finish Wintersong and also start and if possible finish Unearthed, by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner.
5. Is there a book that you think could still shock you and become your FAVORITE???
Hmmm… I’m really excited about reading An Enchantment of Ravens. There are mixed opinions, but I’m hoping I’ll love it and of course I’d like for it to become a favorite.
6. Have you already made reading plans for 2018?
I have!
I need to read a couple of books my mom got me plus ARCs, of course!
And basically, that is all! How was 2017 for you? Planning to read something awesome for 2018?
Congratulations on everything you have accomplished this year, Pam, I’m really proud of you and I love the idea of incorporating spanish on your blog and all of the projects you have. I hope everything will go the way you want it to next year, you deserve it! <3 Your blog is so great, it's such a lovely place and YES, your layout is the perfect amount of cute and professional, if you ask me 🙂
Congratulations on all the writing as well and progress made with your novel. I am so proud. <3 Wishing you all the best for the new year xx
Thank you! I wish I could incorporate french XD But even though I’m better at writing it, I don’t feel confident enough to blog in french too.
This comment makes me so happy! I wish you the best as well!
I think the idea of a bilingual blog is really cool and I would definitely love reading more posts in Spanish. I’m glad you had a great year! 🙂
Thanks for the support! I hope 2018 turns out to be better, for everyone!