I haven’t been very active blogging-wise, and I’ve got to apologize for that. Not been in the best frame of mind to be honest. I had to take care of myself because I had severe lack of enthusiasm for the stuff I’m usually so passionate about.
So, I tried new things!
For example, I started a Youtube channel!
Another apology is in order because the channel will have mostly videos in spanish, so english-speaking folks, I’m so so sorry. I just started to feel like I was devoting all my time connecting with people from all over the world, but was failing to make a space for the bookworms from my own home. I wanted to get more involved in my local community.
It feels good, so for now, that’s the plan.
My latest video is about how a lot of people in the world, specifically in latinamerica, and according to my experience in Ecuador, greately underestimate YA literature.
Because I love you guys, and this topic is so important, here’s a summary of what I talk about:
Basically I cover two main points that make me so mad, how in latinamerican countries YA lit is mixed in with Children’s literature, and how if acknowledged, YA lit is seen as little else but vapid entertainment for teenagers.
This video was a long time coming but what set me off was something that happened relatively recently. I went to a panel, a ‘Children and Young Adult Literature’ panel. But, the first thing I noticed was that the authors invited were all Children Lit authors. And I thought, ‘okay, then maybe they’ll talk a bit about teenagers later’. But no. YA literature wasn’t mentioned at all. As if it didn’t exist.
This is a problem. Because while they work so hard to cultivate children that read and that love stories, meanwhile, when they grow up, the world takes it upon itself to instill in them the idea that books are for educational purposes only. Even fiction books. Fiction books in schools are dissected. But not the fun way, the way a reviewer would. A reviewer also takes the time to appreciate the story itself. But in schools they don’t. Not always, not mostly.
In regard to the other point, I think we can all agree this is BS and so ignorant.
Whoever says YA lit is garbage clearly hasn’t read a good YA lit book, and clearly doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
Translated but that’s what I ‘literally’ said in the video.
And that’s what I wanted to say! I hope you guys are doing great!
Have you experienced something like this with YA lit? How are YA books regarded where you come from?
Hi Pam <3 I'm so sorry to hear you've been feeling a bit less enthusiast about the things you're usually so passionate about. I hate when that happens to me as well. It's so great that you're launching a youtube channel – I wish, wish, I oh so wish I could understand what you're saying, but unfortunately I don't speak a word of Spanish, ahah. (also, totally unrelated but you are stunniiiiiing Pam. <3)
THANK YOU for making a little summary of what you talked about in the video, so, so appreciated! <3 Here in France, Young Adult books sort of have sections in bookshops, they're called "teenagers" sections, but they're right next to the children's and sometimes they are mixed up. I think there is a bit more awareness here of the importance and growing importance of young adult books – I see more and more translated works in bookshops and tons of "hyped" books making their way here, which makes me happy. I'm so sad it's quite not this way in your country – I really hope this changes!
Hahaha, don’t worry about it! I’ll definitely be sharing if I upload any videos in english in the future! (And omg thanks, *blushing*)
That’s amazing! Hyped books are arriving to the bookshops here too. For example, we finally got Six of Crows, and I’ve seen Everything Everything, Ivory and Bone, and others too, which is great. I only wish this perception of YA lit would change. I hope that with it getting more exposure now, things will begin changing for the better!
Thank you so much for your lovely comment!