Because, you know, these things tend to be anual XD. Short story:
When I first asked my dad to pretty please pay for this hosting thing that I apparently needed for my website because there was absolutely no way to make a blog for free (Tee hee XD), I told him there were three options: 1 year, 2 years, and 3 years of hosting. Obviously, if you paid upfront for 3 years, you had a discount. He was half sure I’d get bored with the thing and ditch it at some point, probably before the first year was up, so he only consented to pay one year of hosting, and I agreed. I had my doubts as well, you know. I also thought ‘Hell, if I do get bored, he’s going to kill me’.
But here we are! Two years later, and we’re are still taking it year by year.
So when recently, I had a bit of a crisis, and I seriously considered dropping the blog and joining someone else on another so that I wouldn’t be so stressed, I ultimately realized I didn’t want to.
Because in spite of:
- Not having even 100 email subscribers
- Not having even half the blog visits/visitors/social media presence other two year old blogs have
- Not being entirely confident in how my blog even adds to the world
I also reminded myself -and this might just be a feeble attempt to make myself feel better, but it’s also true- that:
- I started with 0 email subscribers
- At first no one visited my blog
- A lot of people have been grateful for posts I’ve written.
So, there has been growth. Maybe not some crazy, out of the charts one, but I have achieved stuff. And that makes me feel proud. I feel proud when my dad feels proud and mentions my blog to his friends and co-workers, even though I know they won’t check it out. I feel proud of having built this awesome thing, and the thought of not having it anymore was terrifying.
And I too realized that I want to continue growing, at whatever pace, but I know that one year from now, I’ll be one step higher, and so on, and so on.
This year will be great!
- I’ve got some exciting things planned with Melissa from The Reader and the Chef.
- There is a 90% probability I’m traveling to Germany on march and :O
- I’ve finally gotten my shit together and I’ll be doing my first public speaker gig
- I’ll be launching my Society6 shop very soon!
A huge thanks to
My new friends, Duane and Geraldine, who are some awesome bloggers you should definitely check out, and also awesome, kind and creative people! I’d like to thank Ashley, for introducing me to a new favorite author that made it to my top 1. Yes, it impacted me that much, and I would’ve never given the book a second thought if it hadn’t been for her XD. There is also Laura, whose posts about writing have made me feel a little less insecure about my own writing and gave me encouragement, since we all struggle. Nori, for giving me the chance to participate as leader of team Violet! I had a lot of fun putting things together with the other guys!
And obviously, to everyone else to have contributed to making this blog what it is now. Becuase it wouldn’t be here without your comments and likes, and book discussions on twitter, and the wonderful community I’ve discovered in booktagram!
I know it’s customary to show gratitude to all the people who have strung along for the journey through a giveaway, but at the moment, it’s just not possible for me 🙁
Like I said before, I do have something big planned for you guys in the near future!
In October 1, I’ll be officially launching my Society6 store with stuff for writers, bookworms, and creatives!
Here’s a peek at the awesomeness that is coming!
So, what’s in for you anyways?
You can enter to participate in a giveaway for any Art print, mug, or totebag from my shop in November. This giveaway will be open to any countries Society6 ships to.
Leave your email to be automatically entered, and that’s it!
* Winner will be chosen randomly from the pool of subscribers and announced on November 15th!
For an additional entry, help me share with your friends and spread the love!
It’s A Writer’s Tales blogoversary! Stop by and be entered to win goodies! Click to Tweet >>
Also, we could be friends on Instagram and then you would be the first to know each time I add a new design!
Kind of late, but I really wanted to stop by to say HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY, and huge congratulations on having such a gorgeous blog <3 I really love your design and that Society6 news are AWESOME, I love all of these designs already! <3 Wishing you only the best for the blogging years coming 😀 <3
Marie @ Drizzle & Hurricane Books recently posted this awesome thing…#SFATW: What I Love About France and Alsace
Happy blogoversary! My 2nd year was about the same as yours with followers. But just keep going! If you love it, it’s worth it! I’m a new email, instagram, and twitter follower!
Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature) recently posted this awesome thing…Review: Calendar Girl Volume 2 (Calendar Girl #4-6) by Audrey Carlan
🙂 I appreciate it! And I definitely will! Well-wishes and new friends are really good encouragement!
Happy Blogoversary!!!
My own blog will be having its first Blogoversary in a couple of days and I can totally understand what you said about not having the best stats. I only have three email subscribers and a few followers on other social media. It can bring me down a bit sometimes, but stats are not the most important thing here.
I’m really grateful for being able to connect with other people who have similar interests, to learn from what they have to say, and I’ve also had the chance to form friendships with so many lovely and supportive bloggers from around the world!
I really like you blog! Your writing style is cheerful and it helps us readers to feel connected with you. And your blog design is so cute!
Congratulations on the Society6 store, as well! Those designs look fabulous! I’ll definitely buy something!
Salha recently posted this awesome thing…Recently Added to my TBR Pile
Congratulations! For some reason, I thought you had been blogging for longer! XD Thanks so much, your well-wishes and encouragement is supremely appreciated!
Happy Blogoversary!!! *throws confetti*
I know how bad not having the best stats can drag you down, but cheer up, because all those accomplishments you listed way compensate for that! Your posts rock, your blog is gorgeous and I really love how you take time to answer to each and every comment! 🙂
Congrats again, and the things from your Society6 store look fabulous!
Veronika @ The Regal Critiques
Veronika Éles recently posted this awesome thing…Top Ten Characters That Would Be Sitting At My Lunch Table (Part 2)
Hi! :3 You have no idea how much all the encouragement means to me! Thank you so much!
Ohh HAPPY BLOGVERSARY!! CONGRATS TO YOUR AMAZINGNESS!! And honestly after 3 years blogging I don’t even think I had 100 followers.😂 It took me forever to figure out the blogging thing, hehe. So you are doing marvellously. And your blog is gorgeous, btw. So keep up this awesomeness! *tosses cake and confetti*
Also your designs are GORGEOUS. 😀
Thanks Cait :3 *dances in confetti* The encouragement is so welcome!
Happy Blogoversary!!! Two years of blogging is awesome 🙂
I felt exactly the same though round my Blogoversary. My blog didn’t seem to have grown as much as some other people’s who started round the same time, but you are so right in saying that any growth, even slow growth is an achievement 🙂
And I’m so glad you find my posts so relatable because that’s exactly how I feel about yours! We seem to go through a lot of the same things as writers so at least we can take encouragement that we’re not alone!
And your society6 stuff looks awesome! I’ll definitely be checking that out 🙂
Laura recently posted this awesome thing…A Trip Up Mount Snowdon
Thank you Laura! Yes! While I like reading about people who give advice on writing to improve, I also like reading posts by people who are also struggling like me, that actually encourages me more than anything because I know we’re all in the same boat and we’re going to make it! Yay!
AHHH GERMANY YAY! it’s amazing there!!!
and yay for society6 store! and good luck with your public speaking thing!!!!!!!
(cries because the email notification thing never works for me and perhaps it will now that i’ve properly subscribed T_______T)
Cynthia recently posted this awesome thing…My writing life, August 2016
THANK YOU! It means a lot! <3