I’ve been having major How I Met Your Mother withdrawals, so in honor of how I much I loved the show and how I hated the ending, this post is now live.
I just was in the mood for some Buzzfeed-style fun, and yes, it was very fun to put this thing together. So, without further ado, I give you Barney Stinson, and… book bloggers!
When we try to be funny on our blogs or social media
Keep trying though.
When we finish an awesome book and then we check in GR and sequel is untitled, and no publication date has been set
We’ll just be here slowly and painfull dying, but no pressure.
When we get inspired by some random happening in our life
And then we forget about it completely.
When we accidentally publish a blog post before it’s finished
We don’t know whether we should be relieved or cry because no one even noticed.
When we complete the GR Reading challenge
When we solve a technical issue with our blogs without making it all worse
So smart.
When we see a 2 star review of a book we rated 5 stars
I love you, but dishonor on you, and your cow.
Girl this post made me laugh so much! Because I could totally relate. Mostly to the ones about when you check out the sequel on goodreads and there is no information about when the next one will be coming out, or when you see a 2 star rating for a book you rated 5 stars yourself 😀
Hahahah dishonor on you and your cow 😂😂😂